Date(s) - 05/01/2022
11:00 am - 12:15 pm
The Crossing Church - CRB 4
When you read Jesus words about “rivers of living water will flow from within them”, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” and “For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” does your heart say yes I want this desperately but you’re not sure if it is something you can experience or not to the degree you feel Jesus is offering? If so, then I invite you to join us as we dive into what Jesus said he would teach us if we come to him and take up his easy yoke. We will go through a study by Dallas Willard based on his book “Renovation Of The Heart. Each time we gather we will watch a short video followed by a group discussion. A study guide will be provided which includes exercises to be worked on between our sessions. If you want more of Jesus and his offer of life then what are you waiting for, lets dig in together! This group meets on Sunday’s.
Leader: Brad Meares
To join this group click here:
Life Group - Abiding In Jesus and His Abundant Life
Life Group - Abiding In Jesus and His Abundant Life