Serve Teams
God designed you to serve in an area based on your passions, gifts, and talents and we want to help you find that place! When you serve in the area God designed for you, it’s both rewarding to you and beneficial to those you serve.
“Each of you should use whatever gift he has received to serve others.” 1 Peter 4:10
Our Mission
The mission of the Serve Team is to build the body of Christ by each person fulfilling their calling and serving to make an eternal difference.
Serve Team Rally
March 31st | 6:30 PM | Main Auditorium
Are you in a serve team or interested in joining one? Learn how serve teams at The Crossing make a difference in our church and Montgomery County at our Serve Team Rally! We’ll also celebrate the amazing work accomplished by the teams and members. Dinner is provided upon registration at the link below!
I'm Ready to Serve
If serving the Crossing family and finding your community of people sounds like something you’re interested in, here are a few practical next steps you can take:
To join a serve team, your first step is to attend Next Steps to get plugged in at The Crossing. You will understand the mission and heart of our church, grow in your walk with Jesus, discover who God created you to be, and connect with a serving opportunity that fits your passion and purpose.
If you’ve already gone through Next Steps and you’re ready to get plugged into serving, take a moment to fill out our serve team sign-up form. This helps us get to know you better and is the next step in finding a great place for you to serve! After you’ve completed the form, you’ll hear from a serve team leader with the next steps to get involved.
For information regarding Serve Teams or how to get involved, connect with our Executive Pastor of Ministry, Dallas Harvey (
Local Outreach Opportunities
The Crossing Church is connected to local missions and outreaches in the Greater Houston area. You can find out about local ministries we support where you might find opportunities to serve!
If you have a burden for local outreach, contact Ray Franklin:
Crossing Trips
The Crossing Church also supports ministry partners all over the world! Many of them invite us to come on short term trips. Click the link below to find out what upcoming trips we have scheduled!
For information regarding Missions Trips or how to get involved, connect with our Missions Pastor, Pastor Dale: