
When life is overwhelming, when we’re gripped with fear and anxiety, or when we’re unsure what the next step will be, we need to shift our attention to the One who is listening. We’re ready to pray with you about whatever you need!

24/7 Prayer Chain: The Watch

Join our prayer chain and intercede for the needs of our congregation, our community, and the ministries in our church.

Find a Prayer Meeting

Freedom Prayer Ministry

Do you battle discouragement, need physical healing, feel caught in repeated patterns or cycles in your life, or struggle spiritually and want to hear from God? We would like to pray with you!  Freedom Prayer is safe, confidential, and for everyone.

For appointments or questions, please contact us at

Need Help?

We believe that we are supposed to carry one another’s burdens. Whether it’s a grocery pickup, financial help, or any other assistance, we have volunteers ready to help.

Need Guidance?

Our pastoral staff is here to help you walk through seasons of crisis. If you need counsel or pastoral guidance, our team is ready to help.

Give to the HOPE Fund for Relief

The HOPE Fund for Relief provides an opportunity for you to designate a specific financial offering intended to assist those most affected by these, any other disasters or emergency situations.

Click the link below, and the PushPay website associated with The Crossing Church will appear. In the “Giving Type” box, click on the drop-down menu, and select “Hope Fund for Relief.” Once selected, continue to follow the prompts to complete your donation.