Next Steps
2 Peter 3:18 “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory, both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.“
From membership to joining a community to serving, there’s something for everyone. From the sinner to the saint, every person has a next step. This course is designed to help you take yours.
What Is Next Steps?
Next Steps is our membership class designed to help you discover your part in God’s story and fulfill His call on your life. Here, you’ll learn about the history of The Crossing, the burden of Pastor Randy’s heart for the church, and how you can become a member of our church family. You’ll be able to grow in your primary purpose of becoming a follower and disciple of Jesus. You can also discover the gifts that God has uniquely placed in you and how you can use those to make a difference in the lives of others.
Register for next steps
Our in-person classes provide a great opportunity for you to build community while learning about who we are as a church. Immediately following the 11 AM service, we will meet in the Student Building where you’ll hear from our senior pastor, discover ways you can connect, and find out how to take your next step at The Crossing! Childcare and lunch are provided upon registration, both for you and your children.
Watch pre-recorded Next Step videos from the comfort of your home or favorite coffee shop! When you register, you’ll get access to videos and resources that you can go through at your own pace. You can even grab a group of friends and go through the classes together.
Sign Up for a Serve Team
Serve Teams is our vessel to make a difference! When you join a serve team, you aren’t simply holding a door or operating a camera. You are advancing the kingdom of God and impacting your community and the world! We have many serve teams to choose from. Click the links below to see all of the opportunities for you to make a difference!
For more information, you can contact our Equip Pastor, Christine Berry: