
The Crossing Care is here to provide ministry and assistance to individuals and families who call The Crossing  Church their church home. The Crossing desires to walk beside you if you are struggling with sickness or disease, in the passing of a loved one, or needing individual, pre-marriage, marriage, or family counsel from a Christ-centered perspective.

Care Form

If you desire The Crossing’s presence alongside you in any physical, spiritual, emotional, relational, or financial situations, please fill out our Care Form. Once this is submitted, someone from the Care Team will respond to your request.

Disaster Relief

When disaster strikes our community, we believe we must carry each other’s burdens. Whether debris cleanup, minor tree cutting, or financial assistance, we have volunteers ready to help. Once this is submitted, someone from the Care Team will respond to your request.
Outreach Opportunities

HOPE Fund for Relief

The HOPE Fund for Relief provides an opportunity for you to designate a specific financial offering intended to assist those most affected by these, any other disasters or emergencies. 

Need Help?

We believe that we are supposed to carry one another’s burdens. Whether it’s a grocery pickup, financial help, or any other assistance, we have volunteers ready to help.

Need Guidance?

Our pastoral staff is here to help you walk through seasons of crisis. If you need counsel or pastoral guidance, our team is ready to help.