Domestic Partners

James & Marita Franklin

Angelo State University

James & Marita Franklin

James and Marita serve at Angelo State University in San Angelo, Texas. James leads the campus missionary development and helps disciple small group leaders. Together, James and Marita lead a Spirit-empowered, diverse community of believers that declares their faith in Jesus Christ in word and lifestyle and are equipped to fulfill their purpose in God’s global plan. Their mission is to reconcile students to Christ, equipping them through Spirit-Filled communities of prayer, worship, fellowship, discipleship, and mission to transform the university, the marketplace, and the world.

Fun Fact: In the late 1990s, James and his family lived on the small island of Guam for 3 years!

Prayer Request: Pray that the students at Angelo State University all have real encounters with Jesus this year. Pray that as a result, they would have the hearts to reach lost students around them. James and Marita are praying that what God does in them, He will also do through the students!

Contact James Franklin

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John & Leann Parks

Ashford Community Church

John & Leann Parks

John and Leanne serve as Senior Pastors of Ashford Community Church in Houston, Texas, located in the heart of Houston’s Energy Corridor. They are among one of the ten congregations that meet at Kingdom City Houston, an international community of churches with a heart to reach Houston and the world with the love of God. Known for its diversity, passion, and zeal for the Lord, Ashford CC is a Spirit-filled, Bible-teaching church with a focus on community, discipleship, and missional outreach.

Fun fact: John still plays tennis and rides his bike in his “old” age of 70!

Prayer Request: John and Leann are believing that Ashford Community Church will embrace the appropriate rhythm and focus to further develop the ministry vision and facility build-out to equip our multi-cultural international community of believers. They currently have 9 congregations and are projecting growth to 18 by 2022. Pray for continued healing for John’s wife, Leann.

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“But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” John 4:23

James & Shannon Doherty

Dignata Ranch (Europe & United States of America)

James & Shannon Doherty

James and Shannon have been in ministry for many years. Shannon grew up on the mission fields of Mexico and Guatemala with her parents, David and Maria Skinner, who are also supported missionaries of The Crossing Church.

James and Shannon’s work in the past decade has involved helping women find Jesus and freedom from trafficking. They provide safe places to live while training and equipping women to have self-sustaining jobs through creating jewelry, called Dignata Designs. James and Shannon also collaborate with other support organizations to help women with aftercare, often necessary due to the trauma of their lives. This work takes place in several cities in Europe, India, and Houston, Texas. An outflow of the Dignata ministry work was the establishment of Dignata Ranch, a multi-acre ranch in Montana, USA where they train men and women as advocates to go to dark places and help women find freedom from trafficking.

In 2022, Shannon and James went to Romania and Poland to join several local ministries like YWAM in providing food, lodging, and the love of Jesus to refugees pouring out of Ukraine. God is moving to raise a Missionary Training Center at Dignata Ranch in 2023 through a relationship with YWAM.

Prayer Request: Pray that the Dohertys will receive continued favor with both God and man. Ask God to continue to open up opportunities for James and Shannon to minister in Romania and Poland to the Ukrainian refugees. Also, pray for God to continue growing the Missionary Training Center in Montana.

Contact James and Shannon Doherty

Scott & Cyndi Davis

Fellowship of Christian Athletes

Scott & Cyndi Davis

Scott serves the Lord through the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) in the North Houston area. Scott and his wife Cyndi have two children, and he has been faithfully serving with FCA for many years. Currently, Scott disciples 2 coaches who will make an impact in our communities.

Fellowship of Christian Athletes seeks to connect high school coaches and athletes with Jesus. They minister to and develop relationships with head coaches, then through them, to the rest of the coaches, teams, and athlete leaders. FCA pursues its vision and mission through the strategy of “to” and “through” the coach. They seek ministry first to coaches’ hearts, marriages, and families. Then, when ready, they minister through coaches to their fellow coaches, teams, and athlete leaders.

FCA’s 4 C’s of Ministry: Coaches, Campus, Camps, Community

Fun Fact: The Lord has allowed Scott to share the Gospel twice in Madagascar. The first time was in the early 1990s while playing basketball with Southwestern Seminaries’ Missions basketball team.

Prayer Request: Pray for a successful follow-up of the decisions made for Christ at the yearly Fields of Faith at Klein Memorial Stadium with local youth pastors and pastors. Ask God for a fruitful Sports Camp ministry. Pray that God would encourage and use Scott more powerfully this year to raise disciples for Christ.

Learn More about Fellowship of Christian Athletes

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Wilson & Judy Gauntt

Full Life Fellowship

Wilson & Judy Gauntt

Wilson and Judy are the Pastors of Full Life Fellowship in Purdy, Missouri. They helped restart this church in 2018. For 20 years, their vision has been reaching the lost and training the found. This correlates directly with their mission of bringing restoration, renewal, and revival into rural America. As the Gauntts yield themselves and provide the tools, they trust the Holy Spirit to do the rest.

In the Bible, “restoration” means to receive back more than has been lost, so that the result is greater than the original condition. “Renewal” means to bring new life into something. “Revival” refers to a spiritual reawakening from a state of dormancy or stagnation in the life of a believer. It encompasses the resurfacing of a love for God, an appreciation of God’s holiness, a passion for His Word and His church, a convicting awareness of personal and corporate sin, a spirit of humility, and a desire for repentance and growth in righteousness.

Fun Fact: While the Gauntts served in The Woodlands, a church elder took them to Colorado to learn to ski. It was more falling down the hill than skiing down. If only we had a video of that experience!

Prayer Request: Pray for leaders to be raised, who can work in discipleship, worship, and media in our church in Purdy, Missouri. The Gauntts are also praying for a “Timothy” to be raised to carry on the work here so that they can move to their next assignment.

Contact Wilson Gauntt

Dr. Jim & Traci Tucker

Jim Tucker Ministries

Dr. Jim & Traci Tucker

Dr. Jim Tucker desires to cross social, economic, and racial barriers with the love of God. His ministry, Jim Tucker Ministries, provides support for ministry in the inner city of Houston. Through strategic partnerships, Dr. Jim helps men and families escape the trap of addiction and live a life of freedom, dignity, and purpose through Jesus Christ. With biblical counseling, leadership training, and financial support, he has helped many rebuild their lives and restore relationships. Dr. Jim and Traci also partner with churches to provide marriage and family counseling.

Fun Fact: When Dr. Jim first began to work with addicts, he knew nothing about drugs or alcohol. He had never even had a beer! He has had fun learning the street language for substances.

Prayer Request: Pray for Dr. Jim to be effective at encouraging men to follow through with the help he arranges for them. Pray that the men he disciples would avoid relapse and complete the discipleship programs.

Contact Dr. Jim Tucker